Careers in Education

Careers in Education

CAREERS IN EDUCATION: Teach for Baltimore!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

  • Was there a teacher in your life who believed in you?

  • Was there a teacher who provided you with life-changing advice?

  • Are you in college now because a teacher encouraged you to pursue your dreams?

  • Do you want to make a difference in the life of a Baltimore City student?

  • Do you want to give back to Baltimore City students by igniting their love of learning?

  • Are you interested in supporting the next generation of leaders, innovators and changemakers?

Consider a career in teaching! Did you know that the starting salary for a Baltimore City teacher is $58,000 in addition to health insurance, retirement funds, professional development and summers off?

Learn about the many pipelines and pathways to teaching through college and graduate academic programs, job listings and scholarships, including the Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship which provides a full scholarship to college!

Explore the many pathways to teaching in Maryland below:

General Resources for Careers in Education
High School Students Interested in a Career in Education
University & College Specific Undergraduate Education Degree Programs
College & University Students Interested in a Career in Education

General Resources for Careers in Education

Teach Maryland – Explore Pathways to Teaching in Maryland

Blueprint for Maryland’s Future – Maryland State Department of Education

    The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a landmark legislation passed in 2021, which includes comprehensive changes to nearly every aspect of Maryland’s public education system. Increasing annual education funding by over $3.8 billion over the next 10 years, the Blueprint will enrich student experiences, accelerate improvements to student outcomes, and improve the quality of education in Maryland.

Maryland Certification Programs

    Individuals can be hired to teach without certification with a “conditional” status. Coursework to complete the certification process is required within 5 years of being hired at one of six area universities/colleges with programs specifically designed for emerging Baltimore City teachers.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

    National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education and provides numerous benefits to teachers, students and schools. It was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide.

Baltimore City Schools Salary and Benefits

    Starting salary for teachers is $58,895—one of the highest in the country. Teachers that qualify for our Model pathway through their impact on student achievement can earn more than $90,000 after just a few years in the classroom.

Educators Rising at Towson University

    Educators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who reflect the demographics of their communities and who are passionate about serving those communities through public education, Educators Rising is changing the face of teaching. A clear pathway in every school district in America for young people who want to serve their communities as highly skilled educators.

Real Men Teach

    The Real Men Teach campaign reimagines what it means to be a teacher while raising funds to help keep male educators in the classroom.

Edifying Teachers

    Retain teachers through upskilling and personalized mentorship. Building a community of mentorship and coaching where new teachers and veteran teachers can connect with each other.

One Million Teachers of Color

    The One Million Teachers of Color campaign has a goal of adding one million teachers of color and thirty-thousand leaders of color to the education workforce over the next decade.

Institute for Recruitment of Teachers

    The Institute for Recruitment of Teachers (IRT) empowers talented underserved and underrepresented future educators to teach and serve as leaders in American education because diversity is essential to excellence.

Teacher Education Assistance For College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

    The federal TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. Recipients must serve as a full-time teacher for four school years in a school or educational service agency that serves low-income students and complete their service within eight years after graduation from college.

Housing Grants for Teachers

High School Students Interested in a Career in Education

Teach Maryland – Pathways to teaching for high school students

Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship

    Scholarship award is equivalent to 100% of the annual tuition, mandatory fees and room and board of a resident undergraduate student. Upon graduation, scholars are obligated to teach for two in a public school that has at least 50% of the students in the school eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

Directory of Approved Education Programs at Universities and Colleges in Maryland

Directory of 2-year Associate Degrees that link up with 4-year teacher preparation degrees

Teacher Academy of Maryland

    High school students start the TAM program of study in tenth grade and complete a four-course sequence that ends in twelfth grade.

University & College Specific Undergraduate Education Degree Programs

Bowie State University – Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education

Coppin State University – Early Childhood Education; Early Childhood Human Development; Elementary Education; Special Education

Frostburg University – Early Childhood/Elementary Education; Middle School Education; Secondary Education; P-12 Education

Goucher College – Education Studies

Hood College – Early Childhood Education; Elementary/Special Education; Secondary Education Certification

Loyola University – Elementary Education major; Secondary Education minor; Master of Arts in teaching – for students from other disciplines who wish to be certified to teach grades 7-12

McDaniel College – Early Childhood Education: Elementary Education; Minors in Secondary and PreK–12 Education. Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Pathway in Education

Notre Dame of Maryland University – Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Special Education; TESOL/Liberal Arts (5-year combined M.A.T.). Also B.A./M.A. can be combined with specialties in gifted education, STEM education or library media specialist

Johns Hopkins Peabody Institute – Music Education

St. Mary’s College of Maryland – Minor in Educational Studies and Special Education. For students with AP or Community College credit, SMCM offers undergraduate AND graduate degrees in only 4 years without 3+1 Path. Or a traditional 4+1 Path, in which you earn your undergraduate degree in 4 years and your Master of Arts in Teaching in a fifth

Salisbury University – Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Secondary Education; Physical Education; Outdoor Education; Athletic Coaching

Stevenson University – Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Middle School Education; Bachelor’s to Master’s options available

Towson University – Early Childhood Education Programs: Elementary Education; Middle School Education; Secondary Education; Special Education; Accelerated Bachelor’s; Masters of Arts in Teaching

University of Maryland – Baltimore County – Early Childhood Education; Secondary Education; K-12 Education; BS in Middle School STEM

UMBC: Sherman Teacher Scholars Program – The program supports scholars to become culturally responsive and compassionate educators by collaborating with UMBC faculty and local schools.  Provides scholarships to cover academic costs up to $15,000 per year

University of Maryland – College Park – College of Education offering 10 Bachelor’s degrees in Education

University of Maryland – Eastern Shore – Specialty education in Art Education and Special Education; Secondary Education (7-12) in a variety of disciplines

Washington College – Elementary Education and Secondary Education

College & University Students Interested in a Career in Education

Independent Programs:

Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship – Scholarship award is equivalent to 100% of the annual tuition, mandatory fees and room and board of a resident undergraduate student. Upon graduation, scholars are obligated to teach for two in a public school that has at least 50% of the students in the school eligible for free or reduced-price meals

Teach for America – Finds, develops and supports equity-oriented leaders to transform education and expand opportunity for all. Opportunity is post-graduation

Teach for America – Ignite Fellowship – Part-time virtual tutoring program during college

Thurgood Marshall College Fund Teacher Quality and Retention Program – (TQRP)

United Negro College Fund K-12 Education Fellowship

Institute for Recruitment of Teachers at Phillips Andover Academy

City Teaching Alliance – National organization in four cities, including Baltimore.  Black Educators Initiative, an extension of CTA’s teacher development program, includes financial and programmatic support for current and aspiring Black educators

University & College Specific Graduate Education Degree Programs:

Loyola University – Masters of Teaching; CREST (Culturally Responsive Equitable STEM Teaching) program in grades 7-12

Maryland Institute College of Arts (MICA) – Masters of Arts in Teaching

Salisbury University – Master’s programs in Education – Curriculum Development, Leadership, Reading specialist

Stevenson University – Master of Arts in Teaching

St. Mary’s College of Maryland – Master of Teaching Arts

Towson University – Masters of Teaching Arts – accelerated program

Towson University – Extensive Offering of Masters and Certificate programs in specific areas of teaching

UMBC: Sherman Teacher Scholars Program – UMBC: Sherman Teacher Scholars Program – Masters of Arts in Teaching; Master of Arts in Education; Master of Arts TESOL; TESOL Post Baccalaureate Certificate; Bmore Teacher Pathway

University of Maryland – Baltimore County – Various Masters programs in education and teaching

University of Maryland – Eastern Shore – Masters of Arts in Teaching

University of Maryland – Global Campus – Masters of Arts in Teaching

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