6th Annual Rob Spar Memorial Golf Classic
This annual fundraising event is dedicated to Robert A. Spar, a partner at Saul Ewing LLP is remembered by family, friends and colleagues as a man committed to improving the lives of those around him.
At the time of his death, Rob was Board Chair of the Independent College Fund of Maryland and a member of the boards of directors for UMBC Research Park, People Pride, Inc., the Greater Baltimore Technology Council, a well-respected lawyer and graduate of the prestigious GBC Leadership Program. But more than any other role, Rob was a family man who cherished time with his wife, Anne, and their three daughters, Jennifer, Nicole, and Lindsey.
We are pleased to be able to honor Rob’s memory by raising money to support his greatest passions, his three girls and two programs that support Baltimore City students on their path to college and a career.
The 6th Annual Robert A. Spar Memorial Golf Classic will support the CollegeBound Urban Scholars Program, the I-Fund National Security Scholarship Program and the Spar Children’s Educational Trust Fund.