At the age of eight, Aishwarya Shettigar immigrated to the United States with her family. Ash, who is ranked first in Poly’s graduating senior class, is a natural learner and a highly creative young woman. Ash has demonstrated a strong passion for art and medicine, which is reflected in her academics and extracurricular pursuits. Since the 6th grade, she has been a member of the Ingenuity Project program, which exposes students to a STEM-focused learning. She has worked on independent research projects for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s Division of Infectious Diseases and the Oncology Department. In addition to taking rigorous AP classes, Ash is an active member of Poly It’s Academic Club, Gardening Club, Debate Team and Aquaponics Club. She serves as a regular contributor and illustrator for Beast Girl, a local magazine ran by students from several Baltimore City High Schools. Ash has also helped provide free art therapy service to patients and families staying at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Following her two passions, Ash plans to major in Biology and Fine Arts at her top college choice, Princeton University.